]Full name:Susan Morgan "Domino"
Age & Birthday 16, May 10th
Test Tube Baby or Had Real Parents:She had real parents
Brief History:She was born into a strict family in New Jersey. "Doctor's" told her parents that she needed to go to this "special school" cus she was a gifted person. She was tortured at the school sense she was 4 to 13 years old. She was made into 98 percent human, 1 percent avian, 1 percent cat. She escaped the school and was on her own for 3 years until she found camp max at age 15. She made her own nickname cus she hate's her parents cus they gave her up.
Appearance She looks mainly human, 5' 7", red hair, blue eyes, cat whiskers, and cat ears in place of human ears. She has 12 ft wings that are brown, white, and black. She has a skinny build but not bad looking or super modelish. more like average? Yeah. She has a scar on the right side of her cheek that's been there for a while. (anything else I should add? Let me know please )
Personality:Happy most of the time, not much tics her off. But when stuff does tic her off, she tends to be very with drawn from others. Other then that she's pretty much happy and protected of her self. Imagine a little kid inside. She suffer's from PTSD. If she's having a flashback, her hands tend to stiffen up and she gets real stiff like and quiet staring off into space. (Anything else I should add?)
Talents:Heat vision, (don't ask me how) can move things with her mind, she is small in size so she's fairly fast and able to climb trees (if her wings are injured of course)
Weapons:Caries a knife with her cus she's paranoid most of the time.
Color Wings:Is in appearance
Other:Not that I know of.
Years at "Camp Ride":1 week